Tuesday, April 10, 2007

NuNu Talks ... Heya ....

I've got you under my skin... I've got this goo on my skin to protect me, this waterbaby needs to be able to survive living in water u know! Hey, I can finally cry out load, although, you can't hear me, 'cause of all this water. I can even yawn! I'm kicking as hard as I can, 'cause space is getting a little bit tight on this end, but I'm loving learning something new everyday!


Gypsy Purple said...

Kick Nunu...kick....it makes you strong and Pixi can`t wait to feel you....kick!!!!

IndigoGirl said...

and Nini can't wait to feel you from the outside! So grow Nunu...grow!

Lani said...

I wish I can hold my hand against your boep and feel the kicks... :(